How to use generics in report filters

  • 7016764
  • 13-Aug-2015
  • 13-Aug-2015


NetIQ Security Solutions for iSeries 8.0
NetIQ Security Solutions for iSeries 8.1


How to use generics in report filters


When building a filter, generics are not available to be used in the value field.  So, using SDOBJD *NE Q* is not valid.  However, two lines can accomplish this:
                 Field          Operator                                 
Opt    AND/OR    Name            Value      Value (quotes are not needed)
                 SDOBJD           LT        QAAAAAAAAA                   
        OR       SDOBJD           GT        Q999999999                   

You will want to select the fields you are using in your filter.  If you want ONLY Q* values to show up, it would look like this:
                 Field          Operator                                 
Opt    AND/OR    Name            Value      Value (quotes are not needed)
                 SDOBJD           GT        QAAAAAAAAA                   
        AND      SDOBJD           LT        Q999999999 

AND's are placed together before OR's when evaluating these filter expressions.  So an AND and an OR would be evaluated like this:

(a AND b) or (c and d)
Values are A-Z0-9, in that order, such that AAA is lower than 999 as a value.


Report filters require a real value.  Values are A-Z0-9, in that order, such that AAA is lower than 999 as a value.