Check sum validation of the downloaded file failed: Size mismatch: expected 5987, got 3684

  • 7016582
  • 08-Jun-2015
  • 15-Jun-2015


Novell Vibe Desktop client 2.0


Vibe Desktop client is stuck on a number of files and shows the following errors repeatedly in the vibe log:

2015-03-20 08:05:37,029 [download-2] [WARNING] Check sum validation of the downloaded file failed: Home Workspace\Personal Workspaces\John Doe\Photos\profile-picture.JPG ('Size mismatch: expected 1100384, got 38572') (aca.filesync2.processor.server)


A fix for this issue is available in the Novell Vibe Desktop client 2.0 (June 1, 2015), available via the Novell Downloads.