NetIQ Sentinel 7.3
Oracle Java 1.7
Oracle Java 1.8
When a workstation uses a language different than English (for example, German), web-starting Control Center will normally launch the application using that language, regardless of the language configured in the browser or Sentinel's Web UI.
Up until Java version 1.7.0_51, this behavior could be changed by saving the .jnlp file locally and launching Control Center from the command line with the following command:
javaws -J-Duser.country=US -J-Duser.language=en (full path to)sentinel.jnlp
This will launch Control Center in English instead.
With newer versions of Java 7 and all versions of Java 8, this is not sufficient to change the language and Control Center is launched using the language of the workstation's Operating System
Up until Java version 1.7.0_51, this behavior could be changed by saving the .jnlp file locally and launching Control Center from the command line with the following command:
javaws -J-Duser.country=US -J-Duser.language=en (full path to)sentinel.jnlp
This will launch Control Center in English instead.
With newer versions of Java 7 and all versions of Java 8, this is not sufficient to change the language and Control Center is launched using the language of the workstation's Operating System
In the newer Java versions, in order to achieve the desired result of changing the language of the application, it's necessary to change the language setting of the JRE instead.
To change the default language of the JRE in a Windows Workstation, open the Control Panel, select the widget to edit Java options, select the Java tab and there click on the "View..." button. This screen presents a list of the installed JREs. It contains the Platform, Product, Location, Path to executable, Runtime parameters passed in when executing it and whether it's enabled or not.
Choose the JRE that is enabled and that is being used by the Java Web Start application and in the field "Runtime parameters" enter the text:
Press OK in both screens to save the changes.
After saving this change, it should be possible to launch Control Center from the Web UI in the specified language. It is also possible, though not necessary, to launch the application from the command line as well. The extra command line parameters are not necessary anymore.
Notice that this change will most likely affect other Java applications that you execute in your workstation.
To change the default language of the JRE in a Windows Workstation, open the Control Panel, select the widget to edit Java options, select the Java tab and there click on the "View..." button. This screen presents a list of the installed JREs. It contains the Platform, Product, Location, Path to executable, Runtime parameters passed in when executing it and whether it's enabled or not.
Choose the JRE that is enabled and that is being used by the Java Web Start application and in the field "Runtime parameters" enter the text:
Press OK in both screens to save the changes.
After saving this change, it should be possible to launch Control Center from the Web UI in the specified language. It is also possible, though not necessary, to launch the application from the command line as well. The extra command line parameters are not necessary anymore.
Notice that this change will most likely affect other Java applications that you execute in your workstation.