iPrint Client version 6.0.0
Chrome version 42 or later
novell-iprint-server version:
Chrome version 42 or later
novell-iprint-server version:
OES 11 SP2 with novell-iprint-server-6.8.0-46.1 or lateroriPrint Appliance with novell-iprint-server- or later
Note: to display the version of novell-iprint-server code installed on the iPrint server (OES or iPrint Appliance), execute the following command at a terminal session:rpm -qa | grep novell-iprint-server
Installing an iPrint printer to a Windows workstation using Chrome as the browser results in the following message:
The page at <iPrint server address> says:
The iPrint client is not installed. Do you want to install it now?
Novell is investigating strategies to cause Chrome version 42 and later to have the ability to install iPrint printers without requiring the end user to implement any steps beyond clicking the link of the iPrint printer.
Workaround 1: Back rev the version of Chrome.
This problem exists with Chrome browser version 42 and later. Earlier versions of Chrome, provided the 6.0.0 iPrint client is installed and *proper version novell-iprint-server are installed, do not have this problem.
With the 6.0.0 iPrint Client and updated novell-iprint-server installed, iPrint printers can be installed using either Internet Explorer or Firefox without needing to execute steps beyond clicking the link of the iPrint printer.
Workaround 3: Enable NPAPI within Chrome
With Chrome browser version 42 or later, you can enable NPAPI which will allow iPrint printers to be installed using that browser.
Within a DOS prompt, type the following command:
Workaround 1: Back rev the version of Chrome.
This problem exists with Chrome browser version 42 and later. Earlier versions of Chrome, provided the 6.0.0 iPrint client is installed and *proper version novell-iprint-server are installed, do not have this problem.
* proper version means the version of novell-iprint-server stated in the Environment section of this TID.Workaround 2: Install printers using IE or Firefox.
With the 6.0.0 iPrint Client and updated novell-iprint-server installed, iPrint printers can be installed using either Internet Explorer or Firefox without needing to execute steps beyond clicking the link of the iPrint printer.
Workaround 3: Enable NPAPI within Chrome
With Chrome browser version 42 or later, you can enable NPAPI which will allow iPrint printers to be installed using that browser.
- In the Chrome browser, run the command "chrome://flags/#enable-npapi"
- Click Enable in the "Enable NPAPI" option.
- Restart the browser.
Within a DOS prompt, type the following command:
Syntax:iprntcmd -a ipp://<Server IP or DNS>/ipp/<PrinterName>Example:iprntcmd -a ipp://iprint01.mycompany.com/ipp/HP4020-3rdFlr
Additional Information
Prior to version 6.0.0 of the iPrint Client and updated novell-iprint-server code, installing iPrint printers from Chrome was not an option. This was due to the iPrint Client's increased interaction with the web browser. The updated client and server software decreases that interaction requirement, thereby allowing broader browser support and decreased possibility that browser updates will prevent iPrint to install printers with newer browser versions.
Around the time Novell released the newer client and server software, Google also released version 42 of Chrome, which changed the way in which software can interact with the browser. This change will require Novell to adjust the printer install interaction.
Around the time Novell released the newer client and server software, Google also released version 42 of Chrome, which changed the way in which software can interact with the browser. This change will require Novell to adjust the printer install interaction.