Read status not updating on some Android 4.4.4 devices

  • 7016388
  • 02-Apr-2015
  • 02-Apr-2015


Novell GroupWise Mobility Service


Read status not updating in GroupWise when read on an LG G3
Read status not updating on Galaxy S5


This fix is intended for mobility 2.1.  Please verify 2.1 is running before applying this patch.  If needed, instructions can be found here
  1. Stop GMS by typing rcgms stop
  2. Download sync.pyc from here or by typing wget
  3. Extract patch.tar.gz by typing tar xvf patch.tar.gz
  4. Rename sync.pyc in  /opt/novell/datasync/syncengine/connectors/mobility/lib/device
  5. Copy sync.pyc to /opt/novell/datasync/syncengine/connectors/mobility/lib/device
  6. Start GMS by typing rcgms start