Novell GroupWise 2014
Scrolling behavior in GroupWise WebAccess Mobile is not working, difficult, clunky or not working as
expected. Currently it's either impossible or very difficult to scroll
through content when there is text that goes beyond the initial window size of the
message body.
At the time of writing this TID, there is no fix for this issue; however, it has been reported to Engineering.
The Message Body window doesn't have it's own independent scrolling capability, as would be expected for the user experience.
Reported to EngineeringAdditional Information
Scrolling behavior in Compose Mail view is very odd. When composing a message with text that goes beyond the initial window size of the message body, scrolling down or up through the content is very difficult. Steps to Duplicate:
Scrolling behavior in Compose Mail view is very odd. When composing a message with text that goes beyond the initial window size of the message body, scrolling down or up through the content is very difficult. Steps to Duplicate:
- Access Mobile version of WebAccess
- Click New Mail
- Paste in a bunch of paragraph content (lipsum.com perhaps)
- Scroll through content to see issue
- Access Mobile version of WebAccess
- Find a mail item with a few paraphs of text or more
- Click Reply
- Attempt to scroll down into the previous mail's content (impossible)
- Paste in a bunch of paragraph content
- Behavior is now the same as noted above in the Compose Mail view (difficult)