Novell iPrint Appliance
The iPrint Appliance submits an SMTP query to every few minutes.
Option 1: Do nothing
The query does not impact iPrint functionality.
Option 2: Change the configuration to stop the query
Copy/paste the following string of commands into a terminal session of the iPrint Appliance.
The query does not impact iPrint functionality.
Option 2: Change the configuration to stop the query
Copy/paste the following string of commands into a terminal session of the iPrint Appliance.
rcfilr stop;sed 's/mailhost.yourcompany.com//' /filrinstall/installer.xml > /tmp/tempfile.txt;sed 's/vibe@yourcompany.com//' /tmp/tempfile.txt > /tmp/tempfile2.txt;mv /tmp/tempfile2.txt /filrinstall/installer.xml;cd /filrinstall/;./installer-filr.linux --silent --reconfigure;rcfilr start;rm /tmp/tempfile.txtThe above commands will remove the configuration which is causing the query.
This query results from a Filr configuration which is not related to iPrint.