Deleting a folder under personal storage via the Desktop client does not delete all sub-folders

  • 7016310
  • 16-Mar-2015
  • 27-Mar-2015


Novell Filr 1.1


When Personal Storage is enabled and a user deletes a folder under Personal Storage via the Filr Desktop client, any sub-folders within the folder are not moved into the Trash.

This problem does NOT apply to folders under Home or Net Folders.


A fix for this issue is available in the Filr 1.1 Hot Patch 2, available via the Novell Patch Finder. With the fix in place, when a folder under Personal Storage is deleted via the Filr Desktop client, all of its sub-folders will be moved into the Trash.

Additional Information

To clear any existing orphaned folders, please visit the respective Trash area via the Filr web-interface and delete/purge the folder.