0x1007 error in iManager attempting to manage iPrint objects

  • 7016297
  • 11-Mar-2015
  • 11-Mar-2015


Novell iPrint for Linux
Novell iPrint for Linux Open Enterprise Server iManger iPrint Plugin


Attempting to manage iPrint objects returns an error 0x1007. 


On the server hosting the iPrint services, open the etc/opt/novell/httpd/conf/iprint_ssl.conf  and locate the AuthLDAPDNURL line.  The LDAP server reference should point to the DNS name of the LDAP server.  As an example:
 AuthLDAPDNURL "ldaps://server.lab.novell.com:636/o=novell???(objectClass=user)"
If you see an IP address, change it to the DNS name of the LDAP server, save the file and restart Apache (rcapache2 restart).


The background authentication used by the iPrint iManager plugin expected a DNS name as opposed to an IP address.

Additional Information

The symptoms match those as outlined in TID https://support.microfocus.com/kb/doc.php?id=7002848.  However, applying the solution (recreating the certificates), did not resolve the issue.