GroupWise formats every original HTML E-Mail "<br>" tag into an "<div><br></div>" in forwarded mail items

  • 7016271
  • 09-Mar-2015
  • 06-Apr-2015


Novell GroupWise 2014
Novell GroupWise 2012


GroupWise formats every original HTML E-Mail "<br>" tag into an "<div><br></div>" in the forwarded mail. This produces the extra but unneeded empty lines.
Forwarded mail items in GroupWise contain extra paragraph spacing.
Forwarding mail items results in <br> tags being encapsulated or surrounded with a <div> tag that results in extra spacing.


At the time of writing this TID, there is no known workaround; however, there is an FTF available that should patch the issue. If needed, please contact Novell Technical Support for access to this FTF.


Reported to Engineering

Additional Information

Duplication steps:

  1. From the GW Client, open an email and click Forward.
  2. The Forward content already looks different than it did previously and when you send, any <br> tags are surrounded with a <div></div> that ends up creating more paragraph spacing.