Identity Manager 4.7
Identity Manager 4.6
NetIQ Identity Manager 4.0.xNetIQ Identity Manager 4.5
How to install IDM patches as a non-root user.
Steps to install IDM patches (Engine, Remote Loader, drivers) on Linux when IDM has been installed with the non-root install instructions.
IDM Patch instructions for non-root installs
1) ROOTDIR=<non-root eDirectory location>
2) rpm --dbpath $ROOTDIR/rpm -Uvh --relocate=/usr=$ROOTDIR/opt/novell/eDirectory --relocate=/etc=$ROOTDIR/etc --relocate=/opt/novell/eDirectory=$ROOTDIR/opt/novell/eDirectory --relocate=/opt/novell/dirxml=$ROOTDIR/opt/novell/dirxml --relocate=/var=$ROOTDIR/var --badreloc --nodeps --replacefiles <rpm-location>
Usage example: We have installed ssop rpm as a user other than root
1) Assuming the <non-root eDirectory location> is /home/user/eDirectory
Under this Directory you should find the following directories and files:
Copyright license nmas opt readme.txt var etc license.txt Packages rpm
the 1st command would be:
2) With the above in mind the second command would be:
rpm --dbpath $ROOTDIR/rpm -Uvh --relocate=/usr=$ROOTDIR/opt/novell/eDirectory --relocate=/etc=$ROOTDIR/etc --relocate=/opt/novell/eDirectory=$ROOTDIR/opt/novell/eDirectory --relocate=/opt/novell/dirxml=$ROOTDIR/opt/novell/dirxml --relocate=/var=$ROOTDIR/var --badreloc --nodeps --replacefiles /home/user/novell-DXMLssop.rpm
Important Note : All the commands provided are meant to be a single line. The commands may not work if you don't have the folder <non-root eDirectory location>/rpm and the file named "__db.000" under that folder. This would mean that the base non-root IDM installation has been corrupted. You may want to re-install the base IDM system again to correct this issue.
IDM Patch instructions for non-root installs
1) ROOTDIR=<non-root eDirectory location>
2) rpm --dbpath $ROOTDIR/rpm -Uvh --relocate=/usr=$ROOTDIR/opt/novell/eDirectory --relocate=/etc=$ROOTDIR/etc --relocate=/opt/novell/eDirectory=$ROOTDIR/opt/novell/eDirectory --relocate=/opt/novell/dirxml=$ROOTDIR/opt/novell/dirxml --relocate=/var=$ROOTDIR/var --badreloc --nodeps --replacefiles <rpm-location>
Usage example: We have installed ssop rpm as a user other than root
1) Assuming the <non-root eDirectory location> is /home/user/eDirectory
Under this Directory you should find the following directories and files:
Copyright license nmas opt readme.txt var etc license.txt Packages rpm
the 1st command would be:
2) With the above in mind the second command would be:
rpm --dbpath $ROOTDIR/rpm -Uvh --relocate=/usr=$ROOTDIR/opt/novell/eDirectory --relocate=/etc=$ROOTDIR/etc --relocate=/opt/novell/eDirectory=$ROOTDIR/opt/novell/eDirectory --relocate=/opt/novell/dirxml=$ROOTDIR/opt/novell/dirxml --relocate=/var=$ROOTDIR/var --badreloc --nodeps --replacefiles /home/user/novell-DXMLssop.rpm
Important Note : All the commands provided are meant to be a single line. The commands may not work if you don't have the folder <non-root eDirectory location>/rpm and the file named "__db.000" under that folder. This would mean that the base non-root IDM installation has been corrupted. You may want to re-install the base IDM system again to correct this issue.