Novell ZENworks Configuration Management 11.3
No users can login to the ZENworks Reporting Server after installation.
JasperServer.log with ldap logging enabled:
2015-03-04 16:22:54,690 INFO FilterBasedLdapUserSearch,Thread-1:91 - SearchBase not set. Searches will be performed from the root:
2015-03-04 16:25:09,563 DEBUG FilterBasedLdapUserSearch,http-8443-6:109 - Searching for user 'sperrin', with user search [ searchFilter: '(cn={0})', searchBase: '', scope: subtree, searchTimeLimit: 0, derefLinkFlag: false ]
2015-03-04 16:25:09,622 DEBUG SpringSecurityLdapTemplate,http-8443-6:197 - Searching for entry in under DN '', base = '', filter = '(cn={0})'
During installation or ZRSConfig do not use username@domain.com. Use the fully qualified name of the LDAP Administrative user. See also the documentation: https://www.novell.com/documentation/zenworks113/zen11_zrs_installation/data/b9k8or5.html
Username: For each login, ZENworks Reporting server uses a double user authentication process. This user from LDAP is the first authentication user of ZENworks Reporting. Specify the Username in Distinguished Name (DN) format. For example,
For eDirectory cn=ReadOnlyUser,o=mycompany
For Microsoft Active Directory cn=ReadOnlyUser,cn=users,dc=organization,dc=com