NetIQ Directory and Resource Administrator 8.7.x
How to I move the Cache Data folder to a new drive.
How to change the location used by DRA to store the Cache Service Data.
How to configure DRA to use a new location for the Cache Data.
How to change the location used by DRA to store the Cache Service Data.
How to configure DRA to use a new location for the Cache Data.
- Stop both the NetIQ DRA Administration and NetIQ DRA Cache Service on the Windows OS hosting the Directory and Resource Administrator (DRA) Server.
- Copy of the the C:\ProgramData\NetIQ\DRA\CacheData to a new location.
- Note: This is the default location for the Cache Data. It is possible for this to be a different location. See step 3, to locate the configuration file used to store the path location.
- Note: It is best to do a copy instead of a move, to retain the original data.
- Update the Cache Service Configuration
- Edit the <Path to DRA Program Files>\NetIQ\DRA\CacheService\CacheServiceConfiguration.txt
- Change the dbpath and logpath to be the new location created in step 2
- Use Regedit to update the CacheDataDir key from within the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Mission Critical Software\Onepoint\Administration path.
- Edit the <Path to DRA Program Files>\NetIQ\DRA\CacheService\CacheServiceConfiguration.txt
- Start the NetIQ DRA Administration Service
- This should also start the NetIQ DRA Cache Service as well.
- Once you are sure DRA is functional, it is safe to remove the old cache data folder.
As of DRA 8.7 and newer, the cache of certain Active Directory Objects is now stored in a Database local to each DRA Server. This data is stored within the Windows Program Data path by default; which is typically the 'C' drive. This requires extra free space on the hosting drive to accommodate for growth. If this free space becomes limited, there might be a need to move the cache data to a new location.