How to Upgrade the SLES version of PUM 2.3.3 to the Linux PUM 2.4 or newer

  • 7016202
  • 17-Feb-2015
  • 31-Mar-2015


NetIQ Privileged User Manager


This TID exists for a special situation only.  

Up through the PUM 2.3.3 product there was an install version for SuSE Linux Enterprise Server, and a separate installer for other Linux distros. With PUM 2.4, all Linux installs are handled vie the Linux installer.  The problem this creates is that it makes it impossible to upgrade the SuSE version of PUM 2.3.3 to PUM 2.4, since there are no SuSE packages to do the upgrade.

The steps below outline how the server can be upgraded, and will require an additional server to be used as a manager. 


Migrating from PUM 2.3.3 SLES Version to PUM 2.4.X(or above) Generic Linux Version

We need one more Linux/SLES 32 or 64 bit OS machine.

Naming Conventions

PUM 233 manager SLES version  -- Machine A   [Will Work as an PUM Primary manager, This machine customer is having already ]
PUM 233 manager Linux version -- Machine B   [Will Work as an PUM Secondary manager]

1) Install 2.3.3 Generic Linux PUM Manager on to the machine B.
2) Register the newly installed PUM Manager on Machine B to the PUM Manager on Machine A using "./unifi regclnt register" and provide the appropriate details of SLES Manager.

3) Take the backup of the /var/opt/novell/npum/service/ directory in Machine A (Primary Mgr) and save it in some path in the same machine. Specially for /var/opt/novell/npum/service/local/audit and /var/opt/novell/npum/service/local/secaudit.

4) Wait for some time until all the data in primary is synced in the backup manager.  [ Depends on amount of data and network speed, minimum 10-15 is good]

5) Check for the synchronization in backup manager(i.e Machine B)  for command control console,Framework User Manager & Hosts console. Check all the rules, Framework user/groups and Domain and domain settings etc.

6) Goto PUM Hosts Console of Machine A (Primary manager) and make the Machine B (Backup manager) as primary, Follow below steps
6.1) Select all the manager packages(not console packages) of the backup manager.
6.2) And Click on the promote manager option.

Now Primary Manager is ---- Machine B (PUM 233 Linux Manager)
Now Backup Manager is ---- Machine A (PUM 233 SLES Manager)

7) Uninstall PUM 2.3.3 SLES manager from Machine A and install PUM 2.3.3 Linux manager on to the same machine and register this manager to the Machine B PUM Manager.

8) Wait till the SLES machine with the PUM 233 Linux manager i.e Machine A gets synced to PUM 233 Linux Manager on machine B. [ Depends on amount of data and network speed, minimum 10-15 is good]

Now Primary Manager is ---- Machine B (PUM 233 Linux Manager)
Now Backup Manager is ---- Machine A (PUM 233 Linux Manager)

9) Goto PUM Hosts Console of Machine B (Primary manager) and make the Machine A (Backup manager) as primary, Follow below steps
9.1) Select all the manager packages(not console packages) of the backup manager.
9.2) And Click on the promote manager option.

Now Primary Manager is ---- Machine A (PUM 233 Linux Manager)
Now Backup Manager is ---- Machine B (PUM 233 Linux Manager)

10) Stop the PUM service in Machine A and Replace the db in the/opt/netiq/npum/service/local/audit and /var/opt/novell/npum/service/local/secaudit from backup taken in step 3. After replacing restart the PUM service.

PUM 233 SLES version has been taken care and PUM manager is now PUM 233 Linux version on the same machine, which can be upgraded to latest releases.