NetIQ Directory and Resource Administrator 8.7.x
When trying to add a new DRA Server into the existing DRA Multi-Master Set you receive an error: Operation SetMmConfiguration Failed.
You will need to recreate dRA-Managed class objects within the LDS container of CN=DRAServerDomainLink,CN=DraDomainConfigurationRoot,DC=DRA,DC=COM location. This can be done by updating the domain access account information for each managed domain. Use the following steps:
- Connect the DRA Delegation and Configuration (D&C) Console to the Primary DRA server, as the DRA Service Account or other user with DRA Administration powers.
- Navigate to the the Configuration Management -- Managed Domains node
- Right click on one of the managed domains and choose properties
- Within the Domain Properties, update the Domain Access Account details
- If the option is currently set to "use the DRA Service Account", change to the option of "Use this account"; and manually type the DRA Service Account.
- If the option is currently set to "Use this account" , switch to a different account.
- Either of these options are only needed temporarily, and not meant to be a permanent change.
- After saving the changes, wait for the Domain Configuration Cache to complete.
- Once the Domain Cache is complete, re-add the secondary DRA server
- Once the secondary server is added successfully, revert back to the previous domain access account properties.
When the Primary DRA server attempts to add a new secondary DRA server, it must update the LDS instance. Within the LDS instance there is data detailing the link between each managed domain and each DRA Server. If this data does not already exist, the Primary Server will be unable to update the data for the secondary DRA server.