Apply PRU Fails during the zone-wide pre-install actions

  • 7016152
  • 05-Feb-2015
  • 06-Feb-2015


Novell ZENworks Configuration Management 11.2 Inventory
Novell ZENworks Configuration Management 11.3 Inventory


Applying a PRU via System Updates fails with an error during the zone-wide pre-install actions

The following could be seen in ZENworks Control Center (ZCC):

An unexpected error occurred during the zone-wide pre-install actions. Check the loader-messages.log,pre-global-actions.log for details.

The following could be seen in the loader-messages.log:

[ZENLoader] [53] [] [ApplyPruAM] [] [Ignoring exception on attempt to create  product: org.hibernate.exception.ConstraintViolationException: Violation of PRIMARY KEY constraint 'PK__LC_Tally__B0982E1104BC3601'. Cannot insert duplicate key in object 'dbo.LC_TallyProductMap'. The duplicate key value is (0x3d4fcce5c774494fa9c3b61422ba773e).] [] [] [] [ZENServer]
[ZENLoader] [53] [] [ApplyPruAM] [] [java.lang.NullPointerException
    at com.novell.zenworks.assetmanagement.applypru.SoftwareComplianceUpdate.updateDiscoveredProductMapAttributes(
[ZENLoader] [53] [] [ApplyPru] [] [Caught invalid pru exception processing software compliance update: Unable to process software compliance pru. Exception: null] [] [] [] [ZENServer]
[ZENLoader] [53] [] [ApplyPru] [] [InvalidPru: com.novell.zenworks.inventory.applypru.ApplyPru$InvalidPruException: Unable to process software compliance pru. Exception: null] [] [] [] [ZENServer]
[ZENLoader] [53] [] [ApplyPru] [] [com.novell.zenworks.inventory.applypru.ApplyPru$InvalidPruException: Unable to process software compliance pru. Exception: null
    at com.novell.zenworks.assetmanagement.applypru.ApplyPruAM.doSoftwareCompliance(
[ZENLoader] [158] [] [Loader.SystemUpdateModule] [] [FINE: Unable to run global pre actions] [com.novell.zenworks.systemupdate.exceptions.SystemUpdateException: Unable to execute pru command
    at com.novell.zenworks.systemupdate.handlers.PruCommandHandler.executeCommand(
Caused by: com.novell.zenworks.systemupdate.exceptions.SystemUpdateException: Unable to execute pru command
    at com.novell.zenworks.systemupdate.handlers.PruCommandHandler.applyPru(


Reported to Engineering