Novell Client 2 SP3 for Windows
Microsoft Terminal Services
The Administrator wants users to automatically login to eDirectory when authenticating through a Terminal Services / Citrix session.
Enable the Novell Client's "TSClientAutoAdminLogon" policy.
Normally, without the Novell Client for Windows installed, a terminal services client will pass a specific Windows account name, password, and domain name from the terminal client workstation to be used in establishing and logging on to Windows within the terminal session.
When the Novell Client for Windows is installed, by default this behavior is unchanged. Correct Windows credentials passed from the terminal client workstation still result in a Windows-only account logon within the terminal session.
If the "TSClientAutoAdminLogon" policy is established, in addition to the the Windows account logon using these credentials provided from the terminal client, the Windows account username and Windows account password will be "merged" with a specified Novell Client login profile, and will be attempted for eDirectory login in addition to the Windows account logon. Provided that the eDirectory user account name and password are already in sync with the Windows account username and password, this will result in a successful and transparent login to both eDirectory and Windows using the credentials provided from the terminal client workstation, where only a Windows account logon would have normally occurred.
Enabling the TSClientAutoAdminLogon policy
- Click the Start button, then type regedit.exe in the Start Search field.
- Press Enter to open the Registry Editor.
- Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Novell\Login, then add the following:
Value Type=REG_SZ, Name=TSClientAutoAdminLogon, Data=1Value Type=REG_SZ, Name=DefaultLoginProfile, Data=name of profile to use
Typically, the profile policy name is Default.
4. Close the Registry Editor.
Additional Information
NOTE: Although this behavior has greatest impact for Windows Server 2012 Terminal Services conifigurations, the TSClientAutoAdminLogon policy also has the same operational behavior for Remote Desktop usage on Windows workstations. Normally Windows account credentials pre-supplied in the terminal client connection result in a Windows-only account logon via Remote Desktop. If the TSClientAutoAdminLogon policy is established on the Windows workstation, the same Remote Desktop connection will attempt a transparent eDirectory and Windows account logon using the Windows account credentials provided from the terminal client workstation.
See "Novell Client 2 SP3 for Windows Administration Guide" Section 8.11, 8.11.1.