Novell GroupWise 2012
Novell GroupWise 2014
After installation of DVA the agent will not start
Document Viewer Agent shows unused
Cannot start DVA
DVA not working
Unable to get the DVA service to start
Please follow the steps provided below to get your DVA up and running:
In a terminal window on the DVA server type the following command gwadminutil services --list
Verify that the gwdva service shows in the list provided and there is a path for the executable and startup files
If you verify from the last step your gwdva is configured please then try to stop the DVA with rcgrpwise stop gwdva
Now that you have tried to stop your gwdva lets verify there are no processes running in the background by typing pgrep gwdva
If there are processes still running in the background lets kill them by typing kill -9 processid# (the process id# is from step 4)
Now attempt to start your DVA again by typing rcgrpwise start gwdva