Right clicking on a mail message and selecting Show in Task list doesn't actually show in the calendar

  • 7016101
  • 26-Jan-2015
  • 26-Jan-2015


Novella GroupWise 2012
Novella GroupWise 2012 Support Pack 1
Novella GroupWise 2012 Support Pack 2
Novella GroupWise 2014
Novella GroupWise 2014 Support Pack 1


When doing a right click on a mail message in the in-box or any other folder, one of the menu options is to Show in Task list.  Once doing this, the task list can be viewed from a number of places - the calendar, setting the in-box to show task list, etc.  This new item shows up everywhere but in the task list in the calendar.


This is working as designed.  The task list in the calendar is set to only show those items that have a due date set on them.  There are two ways to workaround this.

  1.  Instead of selecting Show in Task list from the menu, select instead Change To..and then select Task.  This will set a due date and it will show up in the calendar task list
  2. After selecting Show in Task list, change the in-box view to show the tasks.  Double click on the mail message top open it.  Change the due on field from (No Due Date) to any date from the calendar picker.  Now it will show up in the calendar task list view.