SSL vulnerability CVE-2014-3566 'POODLE' on Sentinel

  • 7016068
  • 14-Jan-2015
  • 15-Jan-2015


NetIQ Sentinel 7.0
NetIQ Sentinel 7.1
NetIQ Sentinel 7.2.1


There is a security vulnerability identified with SSL protocols(both v2.0 and v3.0) that allows attackers to derive the plain text of secure connections.

For more information on this vulnerability, see


As of Sentinel 7.2.2 and 7.3 releases, all SSL vulnerabilities for v2.0 and v3.0 related to 'Poodle' have been removed from our core servers.

If, however, you are running a version prior to the aforementioned, we recommend that you enable FIPS 140-2 mode on Sentinel to prevent usage of SSL protocols. With FIPS 140-2 mode enabled, all SSL v2.0 and SSL v3.0 protocols and ciphers are disabled for the Sentinel Core server ports. Also, FIPS mode effectively prevents a "fallback" to SSL protocols.

Steps for Enabling FIPS 140-2 Mode on Sentinel Servers

  •  Log in to the Sentinel server.

  • Switch to novelluser (su novell).

  • Browse to the Sentinel bin directory. The default location is /opt/novell/sentinel/bin

  • Run the convert_to_fips.shscript and follow the on-screen instructions.

Steps for Enabling FIPS 140-2 Mode on Remote Collector Managers and Correlation Engines
  • Log in to RCM/RCE.

  • Switch to novelluser (su novell).

  • Browse to the Sentinel bin directory. (cd /opt/novell/sentinel/bin)

  • Run the convert_to_fips.shscript and follow the on-screen instructions. (./

To complete the FIPS mode configuration, follow the tasks mentioned in Section 21.0 of the Installation and configuration Guide