NetIQ Group Policy Administrator 6.6.x
NetIQ Group Policy Administrator 6.7
What are all the objects GPA creates in Active Directory?
Where are all the objects GPA creates in Active Directory located?
During the install GPA will create the following new containers in each domain manged by GPA:
- GPA will create the FULLARMOR container at the root of the domain
- Within the Fullarmor container GPA will create a FZAM GP REPOSITORY Container
- Within the FZAM GP REPOSITORY Container GPA will create a container for each GPA Repository Server that manages that domain
- Within the GPA Repository Server container GPA will create a System Container
- This container is used to simulate the System container of the Live AD Domain
- Within the system container GPA will create the GPAConsole container
- GPA will grant the Domain Group GPA-CONSOLE-NODES-VISIBILITY-MANAGEMENT Full control over GPAConsole
- Within the system container GPA will create the GPAServer container
- Within the GPAServer container GPA will create a container for each GPA Server that manages the domain
- GPA_REPOSITORY_MANAGEMENT -- Members of this group are granted full control over the GPA Repository by default during the install.
- GPA-CONSOLE-NODES-VISIBILITY-MANAGEMENT -- Members of this group are granted the ability to control which nodes of the GPA Console are visible to the GPA Users