0x40001 or 503 error attempting to manage iPrint driver store after migration

  • 7015760
  • 13-Oct-2014
  • 13-Oct-2014


Novell iPrint for Linux Open Enterprise Server 11 Support Pack 2 iManger iPrint Plugin


After completing a Transfer ID migration, a 503 error was returned when attempting to manage the iPrint driver store in iManager running on a remote server.
Running iManager from the iPrint server returned an error:  NoRouteToHostException: No route to host IPP Error: 0x40001.


Edit the /etc/opt/novell/iprint/conf/idsd.conf file and change the IDSHostAddress value to the correct host address value for the server hosting the iPrint services.


The /etc/opt/novell/iprint/conf/idsd.conf file did not get updated with the correct IDSHostAddress value during the Transfer ID migration.