Novell Filr 1.0
Novell Filr 1.0.1
Novell Filr 1.0.2
Novell Filr 1.0.1
Novell Filr 1.0.2
ShellShock and Mozilla NSS security for Filr Appliance
How To Apply:
Note: This patch should be applied to ALL Filr, Search and MySQL appliances in your Filr deployment
including all individual nodes if clustered.
Note: This patch should be applied to ALL Filr, Search and MySQL appliances in your Filr deployment
including all individual nodes if clustered.
- Download the Filr-1.0.x-SU2.zip patch kit from https://download.novell.com/protected/Summary.jsp?buildid=HY2yans6TCk~~
Stop the Filr service and FAMT service via the Appliance Configuration:
Log in to the Novell Filr appliance at https://filr_server_url:9443, then click the Appliance Configuration icon.
Click System Services.
Click Novell Filr > Action > Stop
Click Novell FAMT > Action > Stop
***** IMPORTANT *****
Repeat steps (3)-(7) on each Filr, Search and MySQL appliance in your Filr deployment. -
Start the SSH service via the Appliance Configuration:
Log in to the Novell Filr/Search/MySQL appliance at https://appliance_url:9443, then click the Appliance Configuration icon.
Click System Services
Click SSH > Action > Start
Using a SSH/SFTP client such as Bitvise SSH, WinSCP, etc. remote login to the appliance as user "root"
Copy over the patch kit downloaded in step (1) to the appliance using the SSH/SFTP client to the folder:
/root/ -
Unzip the patch kit using command:
unzip Filr-1.0.x-SU2.zip
This should create a folder Filr-1.0.x-SU2 -
The patch kit comes with a shell script to backup and copy the fixes to your appliance.
Run the script from the SSH client as follows:
cd /root/Filr-1.0.x-SU2
sh apply-filr-1.0.x-su2.sh
Note: Please check the file /opt/novell/patchlevel to see your current patchlevel
For example, use the more command: more /opt/novell/patchlevel
The /opt/novell/patchlevel will NOT exist if no patches have been applied before
***** IMPORTANT *****
Repeat above steps (3)-(7) on each Filr, Search and MySQL appliance in your Filr deployment. -
Re-boot each appliance in your Filr deployment in the following order
MySQL appliance
Search appliance(s)
Filr appliance(s)
Additional Information
This is a single patch containing security fixes provided by SuSE for the ShellShock and Mozilla NSS security vulnerabilities running on SLES-11-SP2. All the Filr, Search and MySQL appliance shipped for Filr 1.0.0 and 1.0.1 release run SLES-11-SP2 and are vulnerable without this security update. Filr 1.1 was shipped with all patches including the recent ShellShock and Mozilla vulnerability patch.
Note this patch will NOT have any conflicts with any previously applied Filr patches (FTF-1, HP1, Java applets, FTF-2 or Security Update 1). Also note that this patch does not contain any previously provided fixes.
Patch / FTF dependencies:
This patch has no dependencies on any previously released patches.
This patch does not contain any previously released patches.
This patch has no dependencies on any previously released patches.
This patch does not contain any previously released patches.