Novell ZENworks Configuration Management 11.3
Novell ZENworks Patch Management 11
Novell ZENworks Patch Management 11
What is logged in zmd-messages.log for reboot actions for Patch bundles?
When the dialog is presented to the end user:
If End User hit OK : Log shows
"Rebooting System from Install"
This will reboot after a sleep of 5000 milleseconds
If the End user hit Cancel : nothing is logged, dialog is removed
If the End user hit Snooze : Log shows:
"Rebooting System from Other2"
This does not reboot immediately. It looks for any ongoing snooze threads and joins them.
When the snooze thread does the actual reboot, Log shows:
"Rebooting System from Reboot Snooze Thread"
It will reboot after a sleep of 5000 millesconds