The September 2014 SLES patches include a supportconfig updated to gather DSfW information.
The file name in the supportconfig is called novell-dsfw.txt
If you have a SR opened with support you can get the supportconfig analyzed by running supportconfig -ur $srnum where $srnum is your 11 digit service request number. A html report will be given which will list Critical, Warning, and Recommended messages. Some will have TIDs and/or videos to apply to fix the issue or even an update to apply to resolve an issue.
There are additional commands that can be ran in the supportconfig if if the ADM_PASSWD variable is set which is the password for administrator.
To export the password do:
export ADM_PASSWD=administratorPasswordHere
This will allow commands that require a kerberos ticket to run. The command are:
history -d 120
Another option to return just DSfW information and place it in the /tmp directory is to run:
supportconfig -kt /tmp -i OES,DSFW
This will not upload to Novell for the supportconfig to be analyzed. It is create the novell-dsfw.txt file files to look at.