Novell iPrint Appliance
Many printer driver profiles are configured to one iPrint Appliance server and those same printer driver profiles need to exist on other iPrint Appliance servers.
The same printer drivers must exist on both iPrint Appliance servers. This can be accomplished by either:
At a terminal session (putty, MobaXterm or otherwise), copy/paste the following commands.
The same printer drivers must exist on both iPrint Appliance servers. This can be accomplished by either:
- Sharing the same Driver Store (using the remote Driver Store ability)
- or
- Copying all the printers drivers from the main Driver Store server to the other driver store server.
Modify XML files
- Within a terminal session to the server which hosts the printer drivers, copy/paste the following command:
- scp -Cr /var/opt/novell/iprint/resdir/* <ip address>:/var/opt/novell/iprint/resdir
- replace <ip address> with the IP address of the server which hosts the print manager and driver store you want the profile to be copied to.
- Within a terminal session to the server which needs the printer drivers, copy/paste the following string of commands:
- chown -R iprint.iprint /var/opt/novell/iprint/resdir;rcnovell-idsd restart
- Download and Install MobaXterm to a Windows workstation:
- mobaxterm.mobatek.net/download-home-edition.html
- Open the XML file which contains the printer profile data
- Run MobaXterm
- Type within the terminal session:
- ssh -X root@<ip adddress>
- Example:
- ssh -X root@
- This is the IP address of the server which hosts the printer driver profiles.
- Type the root password
- Type the following command:
- gedit
- Go to the gedit application opened on the Windows desktop.
- Click Open and browse to /var/opt/novell/iprint/print_manager.iPrintAppliance.psm/padbtxt.xml
- Open the XML file to which you want to copy the profile data to
- Open a new tab (+ button above black terminal window)
- Type within the terminal session:
- ssh -X root@<ip adddress>
- Example:
- ssh -X root@
- This is the IP address of the server to which you want to copy the profiles to.
- Type the root password
- Make a copy of the target server's padbtxt.xml file
- Copy/paste the following command into the terminal session:
- cp /var/opt/novell/iprint/print_manager.iPrintAppliance.psm/padbtxt.xml /tmp/padbtxt-importProfiles.xml
- Open the backup XML file
- Type the following command within the MobaXterm session
- gedit
- Open the /tmp/padbtxt-importProfiles.xml file using the newly opened gedit application.
- Copy the profiles you wish to import from the padbtxt.xml file to the padbtxt-importProfiles.xml file using the two gedit applications.
- Each profile is found within the bottom section of the XML.
- Each profile begins with <profile> and ends with </profile>
- An example profile is:
<profilename>5210DN Tray2</profilename>
<data> thousands of seemingly random characters will show here. Example data is not shown in this TID to conserve space </data>
Import the profiles to the target server.
- You can copy as many profiles as you wish.
- Save the file padbtxt-importProfiles.xml file.
At a terminal session (putty, MobaXterm or otherwise), copy/paste the following commands.
rcnovell-ipsmd stop;/opt/novell/iprint/bin/ipsmd -x /tmp/padbtxt-importProfiles.xml -u cn=admin,o=iPrintAppliance;rcnovell-ipsmd startProvide the iPrint Appliance admin password when prompted.
Additional Information
To ensure the XML format of the padbtxt-importProfiles.xml is proper, copy the XML file to a Windows workstation and double-click the XML file. The XML file will open in your default browser. If the XML file is properly formatted, the following text will show at the top:
This XML file does not appear to have any style information associated with it. The document tree is shown below.Otherwise, an error will appear and a line number will show where the XML format problem exists.