WebAccess 8 showing in GroupWise 2014 monitor

  • 7015642
  • 09-Sep-2014
  • 09-Sep-2014


Novell GroupWise 2014
Novell GroupWise 2012


GroupWise monitor shows Webaccess 8
GroupWise monitor shows old objects


  1. Install ConsoleOne on a server if it is not already set up somewhere
  2. Connect to the GroupWise 2014 domain
  3. Select the GroupWise System in the left pane and click the Gateways in the drop-down menu
  4. Delete the WebAccess 8 object or any other objects that are showing
  5. Restart GroupWise Monitor by typing rcgrpwise-ma restart
  6. Reload the monitor and the old service should no longer show up