Novell GroupWise
Trying to view attachments that were sent using webaccess show up blank or empty
As soon as a file is attached to an email in webaccess, the size shows as 0KB
As soon as a file is attached to an email in webaccess, the size shows as 0KB
- Navigate to /var/opt/novell/groupwise/webaccess
- Check the permissions on the temp directory which is where the attachments get written to
If OES is installed, and webaccess is using novell-tomcat6, the owner should show as wwwrun www
If OES is not installed, and webaccess is using tomcat6, the owner should be tomcat tomcat - Update the permissions for the file by typing chown -R wwwrun:www temp for OES or chown -R tomcat:tomcat temp for non-OES
Webaccess is installed before OES is added causing files to be created with the wrong permissions for OES