Attaching files in webaccess show as 0KB

  • 7015640
  • 09-Sep-2014
  • 09-Sep-2014


Novell GroupWise


Trying to view attachments that were sent using webaccess show up blank or empty
As soon as a file is attached to an email in webaccess, the size shows as 0KB


  1. Navigate to /var/opt/novell/groupwise/webaccess
  2. Check the permissions on the temp directory which is where the attachments get written to
          If OES is installed, and webaccess is using novell-tomcat6, the owner should show as wwwrun www
          If OES is not installed, and webaccess is using tomcat6, the owner should be tomcat tomcat
  3. Update the permissions for the file by typing chown -R wwwrun:www temp for OES or chown -R tomcat:tomcat temp for non-OES


Webaccess is installed before OES is added causing files to be created with the wrong permissions for OES