Novell GroupWise 2014
rcgrpwise start will bring up the agents, but it will show as unused when typing rcgrpwise status
typing ps aux | grep groupwise shows the agents running but they are unused
groupwise agents show as unused but are running
typing ps aux | grep groupwise shows the agents running but they are unused
groupwise agents show as unused but are running
The steps below are only applicable for GroupWise 2014 and above
- Stop GroupWise by typing rcgrpwise stop
- Rename /etc/opt/novell/groupwise/gwha.conf to gwha.old to clear agents script
- Create a new rcgrpwise script by typing gwsc -i /path/to/domain to add the domain
- Add the rest of the agents by typing gwsc -i /path/to/postoffice for the post office, gwsc -i /path/to/domain/wpgate/gwia for the GWIA, and repeat for any other required agents
- To add a dva, type gwsc -dva dva -i
- Start GroupWise by typing rcgrpwise start
After upgrading to 2014, something went wrong in the gwha.conf script