eDirectory 8.8
eDir Driver
Bi-Directional eDirectory driver
Error creating certs: eDir to eDir
When creating certs for Bi-Directional eDirectory driver the following error is returned:"NDS PKI:
Subject Name" which stores the subject name. Importing a Certificate willcause Certificate Server to compare the Subject Name stored on the
Certificate against the attribute "NDS PKI: Subject Name"
Error: -1232
Take a ndstrace with +time + tags +pkii +pkia
set ndstrace=nodebug
ndstrace +time + tags +pkii +pkia
Example of ndstrace output
PKII: [2014/08/15 18:09:47.770] Logically comparing the two subject names
PKII: [2014/08/15 18:09:47.770] NDS subject name is .O=MERCTREE.CN=sld1oacsnds0002
PKII: [2014/08/15 18:09:47.770] Certificate subject name is O=.........CN=......1
PKII: [2014/08/15 18:09:47.770] Entering serverReverseX509Name O=NOVLL.CN=server1
PKII: [2014/08/15 18:09:47.770] Reversed X509 name CN=server1.O=NOVLL
PKII: [2014/08/15 18:09:47.770] They compare unequal
PKII: [2014/08/15 18:09:47.770] PKI_VerifyCertificates() complete status = -1232; freeing memory
- Check the /etc/opt/novll/conf/nds.conf. Look for https.server.cached-cert-dn=. Ensure there is only one instance.
Example of what it should look like https.server.cached-cert-dn=SSL CertificateIP - Srv01.novell.novell - Validate the certificates - See Documentation - Can also delete certificates and run ndsconfig upgrade or ndsconfig add -m sas TID 3376127
- Verify the LDAP Server objects in both trees has a certificate assigned
In iManager go to LDAP role - LDAP Options - View LDAP Servers - Click on LDAP server - Connections - Browse Server Certificate and select the SSL Certificate DNS (default) or another certificate if desired. - Verify the certificates subject name is correct on the cerficate the LDAP Server has assigned.
In iManager - Certificate Acces role - Server Certificate - Click on certificate - Verify Subject Name is correct. (O=NOVELL_TREE.CN=server.context.novell) - Verify the tree keys (NICI) are in sync - TID 3092072
Subject name comparison failed
Certificates are missing, expired or invalid
NICI keys may be inconsistent.