Novell GroupWise 2014
Novell GroupWise 18
Error: Unable to connect to the GroupWise Admin Console @https://ipaddressorservername:9710/gwadmin-service/system/whoami
In GroupWise 2014 and 18 accessing the Webaccess Administration Console is different than previous versions of GroupWise
- The admin user is set in the webacc.cfg in versions prior to 2014, however the WebAccess Console in 2014.x and 18 above use the GroupWise Administration Console admin credentials
- The IP address that is configured for the WebAccess Console will now use the IP address of the Admin Service that the primary domain server rather than using the WebAccess IP address
- Open the /var/opt/novell/groupwise/webaccess/webacc.cfg file or in Windows, C:\Novell\GroupWise\WebAccess\webacc.cfg
- Locate the lines below, and update false to true and update to the IP address of the MTA to be used
Admin.RestService.host=IPAddress-Of-Webaccess-Server, not
Note: If there is a hostname specified in the GroupWise Administration Console for the MTA TCP/IP Address settings, then the same hostname may need to be set in the webacc.cfg - Restart Tomcat by typing rctomcat6 restart for SLES, novell-tomcat6 restart for OES, or by going to services and restarting the tomcat service for Windows
If the same problem occurs after following the steps above, please do the following
- Launch the GroupWise Administration Console
- Select the settings for the MTA that is used in the webacc.cfg
- Select the SSL Settings tab
- Click Generate Certificate to create new self-signed certificates and enter a password if desired
- Restart Tomcat by typing rctomcat6 restart for SLES, novell-tomcat6 restart for OES, or by going to services and restarting the tomcat service for Windows
Additional Information
Going to https://ipaddressorservername:9710/gwadmin-service/system/whoami shows the error below
This XML file does not appear to have any style information associated with it. The document tree is shown below.
<apiStatus><error>true</error><httpStatus>UNAUTHORIZED</httpStatus><httpStatusCode>401</httpStatusCode><statusMsg>Unable to find Admin Service: ipaddressorservername:9710</statusMsg></apiStatus>
This XML file does not appear to have any style information associated with it. The document tree is shown below.
<apiStatus><error>true</error><httpStatus>UNAUTHORIZED</httpStatus><httpStatusCode>401</httpStatusCode><statusMsg>Unable to find Admin Service: ipaddressorservername:9710</statusMsg></apiStatus>