This hotfix adds support for Microsoft Windows Server 2012 R2 and Microsoft Windows 8.1 and resolves several previous issues. This document outlines why you should install this hotfix.
What's New?
This hotfix adds operating system support and resolves several issues:
Support for installing and running Group Policy Administrator on computers running Microsoft Windows Server 2012 R2
Support for installing and running the GPA Console on computers running Microsoft Windows 8.1
Difference reports do not work with German language display (ENG334760)
GPA Server experiences database timeouts, console crashes, and excess open connections to the database (ENG334717)
Site links do not compare/differentiate properly between the repository and AD (ENG290854)
Difference report does not show AppLocker changes (ENG334946)
Links missing when migrating GPO to untrusted domain (ENG334949)
GPO does not display settings after removing certificates from a duplicated GPO (ENG334950)
Ability to add new links in domain during GPO migration (ENG335063)
Error: Network name cannot be found when trying to create a new GPO on Windows Server 2012 (ENG334948)
You must create a symbolic link for each repository domain to be able to edit the Windows Firewall with Advanced Security setting on Windows Server 2012 and later versions. Create this symbolic link from the Symbolic Link Properties window for the repository domain. To create the symbolic links, ensure the following user accounts have these permissions:
GPA Console user: local Administrator
Symbolic link user account: domain administrator or member of the Create Symbolic Links local policy on the primary domain controller
Group Policy containers remain in the Full Armor OU (ENG331446)
To fully implement this fix, ensure that the GPA server connected to the repository is up and running. To allow the GPA server running on the current/trusted domain to delete the GPO containers on other trusted domains, add the GPA Security account to the Domain Admins group of the trusted domain, or add the following permissions on the CN=FAZAM GP REPOSITORY SERVERS,CN=FULLARMOR container for the GPA Security account in each trusted domain where a GPA Console is installed:
Delete subtree
Delete container objects
Installing This Hotfix
Complete the following steps to install this hotfix on each GPA Console and GPA Server computer.
To install this hotfix:
Log on to the GPA Console or GPA Server computer with a local administrator account.
Close all GPA consoles and programs that are running.
Copy the files listed in the Modified Files section to a temporary backup location.
Run the GPA66200_Hotfix7015188.exe file.
Follow the instructions in the wizard until you have finished installing the hotfix.
Repeat Steps 1 through 4 on each GPA Console computer and the GPA Server computer.
Verifying the Installation
Complete the following steps to verify that the hotfix installation was successful.
To check the installed hotfix version on the GP Repository:
Log on to a GPA Console computer and open the GPA Console.
Right-click the GP Repository node and select Properties.
On the bottom of the About tab, verify that HF 7015188 appears.
Uninstalling This Hotfix
Complete the following steps to uninstall this hotfix.
To uninstall this hotfix:
Log on to the GPA Console or GPA Server computer with a local administrator account.
Close all GPA consoles and programs that are running.
Restore the backup copies of the files listed in the Modified Files section.
Known Issues
NetIQ Corporation strives to ensure our products provide quality solutions for your enterprise software needs. The following issue is currently being researched. If you need further assistance with any issue, please contact Technical Support.
Cannot open Active Directory Users and Computers from the GPA Console on computers running Microsoft Windows 8.1 (ENG335098)
Modified Files
This hotfix modifies the following files in the GPA Installation Path/Bin folder on GPA Server and GPA Console computers:
This hotfix modifies the following files in the GPA Installation Path/Bin folder on GPA Server computers:
This hotfix modifies the following files in the GPA Installation Path/Bin folder on GPA Console computers: