Novell GroupWise
Attempting to log into WebAccess gives a SOAP error
SOAP is enabled, but trying to log in gives an error related to SOAP
SOAP is enabled, but trying to log in gives an error related to SOAP
WebAccess on Linux
- Launch a terminal session and type cd /var/opt/novell/groupwise/webaccess
- Type vi webacc.cfg
- Locate the lines that start with Provider.SOAP.1.ip=ipaddress
- Verify that the ip and port are for the Post Office that is being used
- Restart Tomcat6 by typing rcnovell-tomcat6 restart or rcnovell-tomcat restart if the server is running on OES
WebAccess on Windows
- Navigate to C:\Novell\GroupWise\WebAccess
- Edit the webacc.cfg file
- Locate the lines that start with Provider.SOAP.1.ip=ipaddress
- Verify that the ip and port are for the Post Office that is being used
- Restart Tomcat6 in Windows Services
The IP address chosen for the SOAP provider is for the WebAccess server which does not have a POA installed
Additional Information
Attempting to log in gives the error [9505] Your post office is unavailable. The post office Agent might not
be configured for SOAP. Please contact your system administrator.