GroupWise renaming shared folder doesn't get synced to other sharees

  • 7015396
  • 21-Jul-2014
  • 21-Jul-2014


Novell GroupWise 2014
Novell GroupWise 2012
Novell GroupWise 8


Renaming Shared Folder doesn't get synced to other sharees
Shared Folder name changes are not updated with other users who access the share.


Workaround Steps for the Sharee:
  1. From the GroupWise Client, go to the properties of the parent shared folder.
  2. From the General Tab | Select Repair All Sub-Folders
    Note: This should sync down any name changes for sub-folders; however, the parent folder name is not updated. If that is the issue, please recreate the share with the new desired name.


Reported to Engineering

Additional Information

Steps to duplicate:
  1. User1 create a folder and subfolder and share it with user2
  2. User2 accepts the share with the name provided by user1
  3. User1 renames the subfolder
  4. Subfolder name change is never synced to user2
    Note: Also, if user1 (owner) were to rename the parent shared folder, that would never be updated to any sharees and the Repair All Sub-Folders would not repair this as it's not considered a subfolder.