Unread Mail panel shows read messages even after refreshing and switching tabs

  • 7015346
  • 09-Jul-2014
  • 09-Jul-2014


Novell GroupWise 2012
Novell GroupWise 2014


Unread Mail panel shows read messages even after refreshing and switching tabs.
GroupWise Client Home Panels are not displaying the correct mail, calendar, contact information.
GroupWise Client Home Settings Filter: a column that is meant to show certain information based on filters is not being displaying as it should.


  1. Run a contents check on the problem user first to fix any issue with their database.
    See Analyzing and Fixing User/Resource and Message Databases.

  2. Verify there is no other filter that would conflict with the desired filter:
    GroupWise Home | Click arrow at top right of problem panel | Edit | Filter | Advanced Filter


In some cases, rules can conflict with each other, if not correctly configured.