Logout Page /AGLogout does not render on logout after applying 4.0 SP1 HF1 (4.0.1-93)

  • 7015289
  • 30-Jun-2014
  • 25-Aug-2014


NetIQ Access Manager 4.0.1-93


After applying HF1 for 4.0 SP1 (4.0.1-93) /AGLogout page no longer displays at logout. Everything else still functions properly: proxy services, single sign on, policies, SAML Federation, even the logout process itself terminates the session properly. Users end up on a blank page after logging out.

Looking at the Catalina.out from the MAG, the following error is seen:
Unable to forward to JSP: logoutSuccess
Exception message: "javax.xml.parsers.FactoryConfigurationError: Provider org.apache.xerces.jaxp.DocumentBuilderFactoryImpl not found"


Clear out the Tomcat Work directory.

Use the following commands to clear the Work directory:
#rm -rf /opt/novell/nam/mag/work/

Restart the MAG service with the following command:
#rcnovell-mag restart

Test logout and verify the /AGLogout page is rendered.