Deploying FTF Rollup 1 to the First Primary Server after the services on all the remaining primary servers are stopped fails

  • 7015235
  • 19-Jun-2014
  • 19-Jun-2014


Novell ZENworks Configuration Management 11.3 System Update


Deploying FTF Rollup 1 to the First Primary Server after the services on all the remaining primary servers are stopped fails returning the following error message:
"Unable to complete your request for the following reason: Zenworks could not detect if the ZENworks Server or the ZENworks Loader services are running on one or more Primary Servers. You need to stop the services before proceeding with System Update. Check the logs for more details". This error message still shows up even if the services are stopped on the remaining primary servers."


The steps detailed below can be followed on ZCC under each primary server before attempting to assign FTF Rollup 1 to any of the primary servers.
1. Login to ZCC
2. Access the summary page of the primary server
3. Click on Settings
4. Click on Infrastructure Management
5. Click on Additional DNS Names
6. Remove all the DNS Names displayed on the List of DNS Names
7. Click the Apply Button
8. Click the OK button.
Once these steps are performed on each Primary server then all the primary servers must be updated to FTF Rollup 1 and once all servers update successfully then these dns names can be added again.


Reported to Engineering

Additional Information

The following error message will be displayed under zcc.log when this error is displayed:
"[DEBUG] [06/19/2014 11:34:36.866] [6228] [ZENServer] [83] [__z_10_33__] [ZCC] [] [System update could not proceed because of the following errors] [] [] [] [ZENServer]
[DEBUG] [06/19/2014 11:34:36.866] [6228] [ZENServer] [83] [__z_10_33__] [ZCC] [] [javax.naming.ConfigurationException (Root exception is java.rmi.UnknownHostException: Unknown host: null; nested exception is: null)] [] [] [] [ZENServer]"