Unable to delete a secondary domain from GroupWise 2014

  • 7015172
  • 11-Jun-2014
  • 11-Jun-2014


Novell GroupWise 2014


Deleting a secondary domain will not go through and gets stuck in pending operations
Secondary domain server is gone, so the directories for the domain are also gone
How to delete a secondary domain in GroupWise 2014


In some cases, the domain that needs to be deleted needs to be rebuilt before we can remove it.

Directions for a SuSE server
  1. Launch a terminal session
  2. Type gwadminutil rebuild -n <name of domain> -d <path to primary domain> -o <path for rebuilt db>
  3. Type gwadminutil release -d <path to rebuilt domain> -p <path to primary domain> -n <name for temp system>
  4. Log into the GroupWise Administration web console
  5. Select System | External System Synchronization and delete the newly created system
  6. Navigate to Domains and select the Domain that will now be showing as external
  7. Click More | Delete and the domain should now delete properly

Directions for Windows server

  1. Launch a terminal session
  2. Type gwadminutil rebuild /n <name of domain> /d <path to primary domain> /o <path for rebuilt db>
  3. Type gwadminutil release /d <path to rebuilt domain> /p <path to primary domain> /n <name for temp system>
  4. Log into the GroupWise Administration web console
  5. Select System | External System Synchronization and delete the newly created system
  6. Navigate to Domains and select the Domain that will now be showing as external
  7. Click More | Delete and the domain should now delete properly


If databases or directories are missing when deleting objects from GroupWise Administration Console problems can occur trying to remove them