Authentication with aliases is failing despite using alias class

  • 7015163
  • 10-Jun-2014
  • 10-Jun-2014


NetIQ Access Manager 3.2
NetIQ Access Manager 4.x


Example scenario:

Real user object exists at cn=scott,o=test
alias object exists at cn=scottalias,o=novell

userstore Search context is setup to only include o=novell

Secure name password form method is assigned to alias class

When attempting to login with chandualias it is failing.

See relevant snippet from logs in the Additional Information section.


Create the following file on the IDP:


and add the following to it:


Then need to add a search context to where the real object is, in this case

Once this was done aliases started working properly.

Additional Information

<amLogEntry> 2014-03-03T23:45:01Z DEBUG NIDS Application:
Method: AliasUserPasswordClass.findActualUserFromUserStore
Thread: http-bio-
LDAP search string with return cn, aliasedObjectName attributes:
(cn=scottalias)  search context : o=novell </amLogEntry>

<amLogEntry> 2014-03-03T23:45:01Z DEBUG NIDS Application:
Method: AliasUserPasswordClass.handlePostedData
Thread: http-bio-
Actual user: scott Alias User: scottalias </amLogEntry>

<amLogEntry> 2014-03-03T23:45:01Z DEBUG NIDS Application:
Method: LocalAuthenticationClass.authenticateWithPassword
Thread: http-bio-
Attempted authenticateWithPassword - id = scott </amLogEntry>

<amLogEntry> 2014-03-03T23:45:01Z DEBUG NIDS Application:
Method: JNDILogEventListener.accept
Thread: http-bio-
Base context: o=novell, Filter: (&(cn=scott)(objectClass=User)), Scope: 1,
Request Controls: null, UserId: hsceaoeq70s11 </amLogEntry>

<amLogEntry> 2014-03-03T23:45:01Z DEBUG NIDS Application:
Method: JNDILogEventListener.accept
Thread: http-bio-
Connection: 226614ea-1af2-441b-bec6-a65e65fde99a, Environment Parameters for
InitialDirContext() method call:
Key: java.naming.factory.initial, Value: com.sun.jndi.ldap.LdapCtxFactory
Key: java.naming.provider.url, Value: ldaps://
Key: com.sun.jndi.ldap.connect.timeout, Value: 0
Key:, Value: cn=admin,o=novell
Key:, Value: simple
Key:, Value: *****
Key:, Value: ssl
Key: java.naming.ldap.factory.socket, Value:

<amLogEntry> 2014-03-03T23:45:02Z DEBUG NIDS Application:
Method: JNDILogEventListener.accept
Thread: http-bio-
Try connection: ldaps:// </amLogEntry>

<amLogEntry> 2014-03-03T23:45:02Z DEBUG NIDS Application:
Method: JNDILogEventListener.accept
Thread: http-bio-
Found 1 results! </amLogEntry>

<amLogEntry> 2014-03-03T23:45:02Z DEBUG NIDS Application:
Method: JNDILogEventListener.accept
Thread: http-bio-
Connection: 02ac025f-c29c-4bc8-a6cd-30b15d2e9d7c, Environment Parameters for
InitialDirContext() method call:
Key: java.naming.factory.initial, Value: com.sun.jndi.ldap.LdapCtxFactory
Key: java.naming.provider.url, Value: ldaps://
Key: com.sun.jndi.ldap.connect.timeout, Value: 0
Key:, Value: ldaps:,o=novell
Key:, Value: simple
Key:, Value: *****
Key:, Value: ssl
Key: java.naming.ldap.factory.socket, Value:

<amLogEntry> 2014-03-03T23:45:02Z DEBUG NIDS Application:
Method: JNDILogEventListener.accept
Thread: http-bio-

//Notice the Key:, Value: ldaps:,o=novell   (not
including cn=scott)

Exception while attempting to create ldap connection! </amLogEntry>

In ndstrace we see:

1904834304 LDAP: [2014/03/03 16:45:01.967] (
Search request:
    base: "o=novell"
    scope:1  dereference:2  sizelimit:0  timelimit:0  attrsonly:0
    filter: "(cn=scottalias)"
    attribute: "cn"
    attribute: "aliasedObjectName"
1904834304 LDAP: [2014/03/03 16:45:01.967] (
nds_back_search: Search Control OID 2.16.840.1.113730.3.4.2
1904834304 LDAP: [2014/03/03 16:45:01.968] (
Sending search result entry "cn=scottalias,o=novell" to connection 0xdf01c00


1993504512 LDAP: [2014/03/03 16:45:02.22] (
DoSearch on connection 0xe000000
1993504512 LDAP: [2014/03/03 16:45:02.22] (
Search request:
    base: "o=novell"
    scope:1  dereference:3  sizelimit:0  timelimit:0  attrsonly:0
    filter: "(&(cn=scott)(objectClass=User))"
    attribute: "GUID"
    attribute: "fullname"
    attribute: "cn"
1993504512 LDAP: [2014/03/03 16:45:02.22] (
nds_back_search: Search Control OID 2.16.840.1.113730.3.4.2
1993504512 LDAP: [2014/03/03 16:45:02.23] (
Sending search result entry "cn=scott,o=test" to connection 0xe000000

So we find the alias object, dereference it and then try to bind as it.....but
instead of binding as cn=scott,o=novell we see

2202724096 LDAP: [2014/03/03 16:45:02.74] (
DoBind on connection 0xd764700
2202724096 LDAP: [2014/03/03 16:45:02.74] (
Bind name:ldaps:,o=novell, version:3, authentication:simple
2202724096 LDAP: [2014/03/03 16:45:02.74] Illegal ndsname "ldaps:,o=novell" in
ldap2uNDSDN, err = 34 (0x22)
2202724096 LDAP: [2014/03/03 16:45:02.74] ldap2uNDSDN ldapDN =
"ldaps:,o=novell" - error 34 (0x22)
2202724096 LDAP: [2014/03/03 16:45:02.74] (
Failed to convert LDAP DN "ldaps:,o=novell" in nds_back_bind, err = 34 (0x22)