NAM fails to download 'stdout.log, stderror, jcc log files of IDP, MAG through Windows based Admin Console

  • 7015146
  • 06-Jun-2014
  • 06-Jun-2014


NetIQ Access Manager 4.0
NetIQ Access Manager Admin Console, Identity Servers and Access Gateways running on Windows 2008 R2 server


Admin Console (AC), Identity (IDP) Server and Access Gateway installed on seperate hosts, although issue would occur if AC/IDP were installed on same host. These services are running on Windows and not the SLES OS.

After everything is setup and confirmed as working, the Admin wanted to view some of the log files. This admin logged into iManager, and under the Access Manager view went to Auditing --> General Logging screen. From here, the admin tried to Download the "Program Files\Novell\Tomcat\logs\stdout.log " under Identity Servers or "Access Gateways". Instead of downloading the files, two popups appeared with the following

Information : There were logs that failed to download...
Alert : Error creating a zip file of the logs.


Apply 4.0 SP1.