Novell SecureLogin
NetIQ secureLogin
NSL 6.x
NSL 7.x
NSL 8.0.1
SLManager, “Distribution” tab
MMC plugin, “Distribution” tab
Error: "Cannot load this file - unknown type"
Error returned when importing an esx file created previously through the distribution tab in either SLManager or the SecureLogin MMC plugin
The default option in both MMC and SLManager for "save single sign-on configuration to an XML file" is to create an encrypted file.
However, an error will be returned if you try to import an esx file from the "Distribution" tab, and no data will be imported.
Note that iManager does not allow the creation of an encrypted XML file from the distribution tab.
Customer was attempting to export one encrypted file containing all SecureLogin data (including user credentials) and then re-import it in another directory.
Create an unencrypted XML file for moving applications, settings and preferences between directories. Use slMigrationHelper or SLAPTool for moving user data.
The SecureLogin management utilty plugin is not currently designed for saving and importing stored user credentials. For a description of the various SecureLogin migration options see TID 7014265 Migration / distribution options with SecureLogin
Reported to EngineeringAdditional Information
Test results:
SLManager - NSL8
- able to export .xml file → able to re-import without error
- able to export .esx file → importing same file results in error: "Cannot
load this file - unknown type."
MMC - NSL7.0.3 HF7
- able to export .xml file → able to re-import without error
- able to export .esx file → importing same file results in error : "Cannot
load this file - unknown type."
Imanager - NSL8
- able to export .xml file → able to re-import without error
- unable to create .esx file