Domain mslocal/mshold/.../2 queue directory messages stuck

  • 7015058
  • 14-May-2014
  • 14-May-2014


Novell GroupWise 2014
Novell GroupWise 2012
Novell GroupWise 8


Domain mslocal/mshold/.../2 queue directory messages stuck, pending, not being processed.
Unable to process mslocal, mshold, admin queue directory (2) messages


  1. Stop the MTA for this Domain:
    rcgrpwise stop <MTA>

  2. Rename the admin queue directory (2) with the stuck messages:
    mv 2 bak.2

  3. Rebuild Database in Domain Database Maintenance:
    see Rebuilding Domain or Post Office Databases in the GroupWise 2014 Administration Guide.
    see Rebuilding Domain or Postt Office Databases in the GroupWise 2012 Administration Guide.

  4. Start back up the MTA:
    rcgrpwise start <MTA>

    Note: Any queued messages with a timestamp prior to this rebuild will no longer be processed. Since they are admin messages, any changes should have been picked up with the rebuild. The admin queue directory that was backed up should no longer be needed.