Using Kerberos as the Identity Server Default Contract Fails to Render Complete Fallback Login Page

  • 7015049
  • 13-May-2014
  • 15-Apr-2015


NetIQ Access Manager 3.2
NetIQ Access Manager 4.0


  • processing the configured kerberos fallback authentication only the content of the "login.jsp" will be rendered (banner or footer of the login page are missing)
  • this happens with any JSP Property configured as well as without having any JSP property defined
  • calling the kerberos contract by card renders complete login page


  1. Create a copy of login.jsp and name it as login1.jsp.

  2. Modify the login1.jsp and add the following script below the body tag.

            if(top.location.href == window.location.href)
  3. add property to kerberos method JSP=login1