eDirectory 8.8.7
eDirectory 8.8.8
iMonitor Situation
What does repairtime and repairtimeall in iMonitor repair?
In iManager with advanecd options enabled, veiwing the entry information on a partition and clicking on the Advanced Options menu two options for repairing timestamps are displayed.
RepairTimeStamps (repairtime)
Repair All Timestamps (repairtimeall)
What do these two options do and what is the difference between these two options?
The list of things that happen when repairtime and repairtimeall is called is as follows with the difference between the two commands listed in bold:
1. Disables inbound, outbound sync on the partition
2. Gets the time of last inbound, outbound
3. Runs through all entries in the partition, looks at the greatest value time stamp of all attributes in each entry
If repairtime is called, then the gVts of the attribute is changed only if it is greater than current, ie future timestamp
If repairtimeall is called, then the gVts of the attribute value is changed irrespective of the current value.
4. If a value timestamp is changed, then change the entry mts accordingly
5. Merge, reset all tvs - purge any existing sync points
6. Set the partition state to new and then modify ring to state on
7. Creates new epoch
8. Fixes the bindery partition timestamp, if times were changed
9. Restore sync states with times stored at step 2.