Add extra admin users or change the admin user for GroupWise Mobility services webadmin

  • 7014968
  • 28-Apr-2014
  • 29-Apr-2014


Novell GroupWise Mobility Service
Novell Data Synchronizer


Add extra admin users or change the admin user for datasync admin interface / webadmin
Unable to log into admininterface / webadmin


  1. Launch a terminal session or file explorer and change the working directory to /etc/datasync/configengine
  2. Edit the configengine.xml file
  3. Search for current user(s) between the lines <admins> </admins>
  4. Create a new line and enter the full context for the user, EG: <dn>cn=admin,o=novell</dn> then save and close the file
  5. Restart mobiliy by entering rcgms restart, or rcdatasync restart (if mobility is still running at version 1.2.5 299 or lower)
  6. Log-in with the newly added user to verify the change was made properly.