GroupWise 2014 cannot contact LDAP server

  • 7014851
  • 04-Apr-2014
  • 05-Apr-2014


Novell eDirectory  
Novell GroupWise 2014


GroupWise 2014 cannot contact LDAP server
Cannot import users from eDirectory
Cannot browse eDirectory tree in GroupWise 2014


According to the GroupWise 2014 read me found here:
The user that the MTA uses to perform any synchronization via LDAP must have Read and Compare rights to all attributes on the User objects.
  1. Log into iManager
  2. Click Rights
  3. Click Modify Trustees
  4. Browse to and select the container where your user objects are located
  5. Click Ok
  6. Click Add Trustee
  7. Browse to and select the user that the MTA uses to perform user synchronization
  8. Click Ok
  9. For All Attribute Rights select Compare and Read
  10. Click Done