ZAV Built GroupWise client 2012 sp2 from Template-Wizard is crashing

  • 7014842
  • 03-Apr-2014
  • 03-Apr-2014


Novell ZENworks Application Virtualization 10.1


GroupWise client 2012 sp2 from Template-Wizard is crashing on Windows 8 sp1 OS on mshtml.dll
Clicking on the GroupWise address book crashes application.
Reading emails crashes application.


A fix for this issue is intended to be included in a future update to the product: however, in the interim, Novell has created a Patch for testing in the form of a Field Test File (FTF) applicable to ZAV version 10.1.   Please contact Novell Support to obtain this FTF.


Mismatch of mshtml.dll in the template.