Users with dot in username unable to view or add files to Net Folders

  • 7014739
  • 14-Mar-2014
  • 01-Apr-2014


Novell Filr 1.0.1


Users with one or more dots in their username (for example: john.doe) are not able to view the contents of Net Folders. The ability to add content to the Net folders also fails.


A patch is available to correct this problem for Novell Filr 1.0.1. Please contact Novell Technical Support with reference to this TID and request the patch.

Additional Information

End user may see the following error:
Could not get the folder row data for folder 'You do not have rights to access the folder'

The following error may appear in ssf.log:

2014-01-22 06:51:27,501 WARN  [http-apr-8443-exec-8]
[com.novell.teaming.module.folder.impl.PlusFolderModule] - (full) Failed to map ACL principal 'cn=john\,doe,o=acme,l=vva,c=us' (13): File system principal ID 'cn=john\,doe,o=acme,l=vva,c=us' (type=fqdn) cannot map to a Vibe principal