TFTP Replication failing on most Satellite Servers

  • 7014723
  • 10-Mar-2014
  • 10-Mar-2014


Novell ZENworks Configuration Management 11.2 Imaging
Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2


TFTP replication fails on most satellite servers
Master TFTP replication primary server is Windows
An image file (.png, .jpg, etc.) is replicated with the other TFTP files


  1. Delete the Thumbs.db file from the following location on the primary server:
  2. Start a new TFTP replication:
    ZCC > Configuration > Device Management > Preboot Services > TFTP Replication Settings > Folder Replication > Start Now


Because of the presence of the image file, the Windows OS has created a hidden Thumbs.db file in %ZENWORKS_HOME%\share\tftp. This Thumbs.db file is being replicated with the other files, but it cannot be accessed by the satellite servers' operating system.