Volume with serial number does not exist among these known serial numbers or SAN workload shows disks multiple times

  • 7014610
  • 24-Feb-2014
  • 01-Aug-2017


NetIQ PlateSpin Migrate 11.0


1. When running X2P migration with SAN attached to target machine, if multiple disks are detected by Linux RAM Disk.

2. When running X2P migration with SAN attached to target machine, conversion fails with error message volume with serial number doesn’t exist among these serial numbers.


Follow below mentioned instructions:

1. Obtain the bootofx.x2p.iso for Multipath from NetIQ PlateSpin Support Team.

2. Boot the target physical machine with this ISO.

3. Login in to machine where migrate server is installed.

4. Open the following URL from browser https://localhost/PlateSpinConfiguration/

5. In opened link search for “DisableX2PDiskRuntimeValidation†and set the value to True.

6. Search for another tag “DisableX2PPartitionRuntimeValidation†and set the value to True.

7. Close and reopen the migrate client